Monday, April 20, 2020

Tableau server customization.

-- Login to TSM from cmd prompt where installation of Tableau is done.

D:\> tsm login -s -u tableau_user -p wrong_password_dont_try

-- Customize Banner name.
D:\> tsm customize --server-name "Tableau Server UAT"

-- Customize front login page.
D:\> tsm customize --signin-logo "D:\Tableau_inst\tsm_logo_sign.png"
Uploading file(s) [tsm_logo_sign.png] to the controller. This may take a few seconds....
Files uploaded successfully.
Customization information set.

-- Customize header logo.
D:\> tsm customize --header-logo "D:\Tableau_inst\tsm_logo_hdr.png"
Uploading file(s) [tsm_logo_hdr.png] to the controller. This may take a few seconds....
Files uploaded successfully.
Customization information set.

-- Customize Compact logo
D:\> tsm customize --compact-logo "D:\Tableau_inst\tsm_logo_cpt.png"
Uploading file(s) [tsm_logo_cpt.png] to the controller. This may take a few seconds....
Files uploaded successfully.
Customization information set.

-- Apply all of the changes
D:\> tsm pending-changes apply
This operation will perform a server restart. Are you sure you wish to continue?
(y/n): y
Starting deployments asynchronous job.
Job id is '7', timeout is 31 minutes.
------ (It will prompt you for y/n – enter y)  this restarts TSM service.

------Wait for 20 – 25 mins to get it completed.

Clear browser cache and crosscheck  with the URL -

If anything goes wrong, to revert the changes – execute command -
tsm customize --restore-defaults  on the same cmd prompt followed by these two commands.

TSM stop and TSM start

-- Change Favicon.

Go to installation directory D:\Tableau_inst\packages\wgserver.20192.19.1017.1638\public

1. rename favicon to favicon_old
2. copy your own favicon in this directory.

clear browser cache and crosscheck.

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